Ore Excavation Mod (1.19.4, 1.18.2)
Tired of chopping floating trees and digging for ores everywhere? Then the Ore Excavation mod is the mod for you! This mod allows you to harvest entire veins of trees and ores in one swoop!
Tired of chopping floating trees and digging for ores everywhere? Then the Ore Excavation mod is the mod for you! This mod allows you to harvest entire veins of trees and ores in one swoop!
Add a unique tombstone to Minecraft that stores the player’s items upon death with Corail Tombstone mod by mod developer Corail31. What is the Mod About? Corail Tombstone adds a medieval-themed tombstone to the game
Make your world more stylish with the new statues from this cool mod by svennieke. Craft new blocks and create statues of all kinds with Statues Mod! What is the Mod About? The mod extends
Is the world around you distracting you while sorting out your inventory? Then install this mod and have fun! Blur is a simple yet very pretty mod created by tterrag1098. What is the Mod About?
Add dozens of new gemstones to your Minecraft world with Silent’s Gems mod by mod developer SilentChaos512. What the Mod Offers The mod adds new precious gems to the world that can be used to create
Use the excellent Environmental Tech and Simple Generators mods with ValkyrieLib. This library mod features the standard codes for all ValkyrieofNight’s mods. What the Mod Offers ValkyrieLib mod contains the standard codes and resources for
Psi combines technology, programming, and magic mod inspired by the Japanese animation Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei. The mod aims to create action sequences to be executed in the Minecraft world in the form of magic.
Create the power generator of your dreams with Advanced Generators Mod. This mod allows a wide range of possibilities to create your perfect generator. What the Mod Offers The Advanced Generators Mod allows the player
Create an entirely new dimension with the power of Redstone Flux in RFTools Dimensions Mod. This mod add-on adds a new way to create dimensions you can enter, explore, and harvest the way you want.
Get a load of useful new items and blocks with Dark Utilities Mod. This mod adds useful content in a wide range of circumstances. What the Mod Offers The mod features everything from new blocks
The mapping system in Minecraft isn’t exactly bad, but it’s so simplistic that many people wouldn’t call it good. For one, you need to get your hands on a few items before making a map,
Build complex network automation by mixing various mod ideas, blocks, and systems with Integrated Dynamics. Created by the talented mod developer kroeser, this mod features different items, blocks, and machines heavily inspired by other mods.
Know your exhaustion and saturation status with this helpful mod by username Squeek502 – AppleSkin! Monitor your status and control your Minecraft diet! What the Mod Offers The mod adds visual information for users to
Move stacks of items with ease with the Item Scroller mod by mod developer masa. This simple mod gives players new ways of quickly transferring items. What the Mod Offers Item Scroller Mod is a
Create an automated crafting machine with this simple yet useful mod called Compacter! Created by the mod developer bdew, this mod adds a single block – the compacter. What the Mod Offers The mod adds
Add some excellent decoration to your Minecraft house and make it nicer with xNICEx Mod! Created by the cooperation of two mod developers, McJty and xVipstarx, this Mod is all about adding new fancy glass
Get notified when your world is loaded with this fun lightweight mod called Ding! Created by the talented mod developer iChun, this mod adds a sound cue! What the Mod Offers Ding is a straightforward client-side
Unleash darkness in your world and conquer the evil with this challenging content mod – EvilCraft! Created by mod developer Kroeser, this mod adds new mobs, new items, new weapons, new structures, and more. What
Bookshelf is both a core and library mod that provides reusable codes and miscellaneous tweaks that can be used by a lot of different mods. What the Mod Offers Although most of these features can’t
Do you find Vanilla Minecraft’s achievement screen too bland? Then install the Better Achievements Mod by Way2muchnoise! What the Mod is About? Better Achievements mod basically improves the achievement screen and interface. The mod features tabs
Reduce lag created by hundred of XP orbs with this cool mod called Clumps. Created by username Jaredlll08, this mod gathers orbs into a single entity to reduce lag. What the Mod Offers Clumps mod
Process various ores from many different mods with ease and without conflict with the JAOPCA mod created by username TheLMiffy1111. What the Mod is About? JAOPCA Mod (short for Just A Ore Processing Compatibility Attempt)
Get some random items like clay, sticks, sands, and gravels by filtering the water flow with this simple yet fun mod – Water Strainer. What the Mod Offers Created by username Rubironi, the mod adds
Ever wanted to see what’s the buzz behind the wall, but don’t want to take the risk and destroy it? Then check out this XRay mod and avoid unnecessary danger and movements while mining! Advanced
Tired of falling on high places and getting killed by the fall damage? Then install Long Fall Boots and die no more! What the Mod Offers The Long Fall Boots mod adds a simple boots