JurassiCraft 2 Mod (1.12.2, 1.11.2)— Jurassic Park in Minecraft
If you like Jurassic Park and other movies from the series, you might also really enjoy the JurassiCraft 2 mod, which adds a number of dinosaurs to Minecraft. You can make your own dinosaurs, too, in a method very similar to the one used in the movies. By collecting samples of amber, you can suck out DNA from the fossils and then use that to create your very own baby dinosaurs. But you’re not just limited to giant reptiles in this mod – JurassiCraft 2 adds a number of prehistoric plants to Minecraft as well, creating an environment that looks 100 million years old.
Processing your amber samples requires specialized machinery, also included in JurassiCraft 2. With extractors, you can draw the DNA out of amber, and other machines will allow you to process the sample into something usable. There are a number of decorations, too, including things made from bones, teeth, and other things that bring Jurassic Park to mind. Considering the scope of giant dinosaurs and how much distance they can cover quickly, it only makes sense that JurassiCraft 2 adds vehicles to the game to help you move faster too. For a full list of dinosaurs included, just check the wiki.
- Dinosaurs – This mod contains many dinosaurs, as that is the main focus of this mod.
- Brachiosaurus
- Dilophosaurus
- Gallimimus
- Parasaurolophus
- Triceratops
- Tyrannosaurus
- Velociraptor
- Microraptor
- Mussaurus
- Coelacanth
- Plants – If your dinosaur pen is empty, why not add some beautiful prehistoric plants to fill it up?
- Machinery – In order to create dinosaurs, you will need machinery. This mod contains many machines that will be useful in your journey to bring dinosaurs back!
- Decorations – Want to create a Dinosaur Park? We’ve got you covered! This mod contains many decorations you can use to decorate your very own Dinosaur Park.
- Vehicles – Need to get around your park? Sure, we’ve got them!
- Fossils – To create dinosaurs, you’ll need DNA, fossils are a perfect way to get DNA!
- Skeletons – Create your very own museum with skeletons, constructed with the fossils you find!
📌 Dependencies
- Fabric
- Forge
Discussion (8)
pls update i love this mod
Please update to 1.12.2 . I’ve been waiting, and I’m not able to download any earlier forge, unsure why, but I’d love to play this mod.
Why do yo call this jurassicraft 1.13/1.12.2 when the mods for this update never gets finished.
I know there is many people that is nagging after this, but there is no timetable anywhere when this is even estimated finished. Either change the name or at least give people an estimate.
it wont let me download
When will this mod be updated to 1.16.5 or 1.17~? I’m looking forward to playing this game with the ability to be able to make hybrids ^-^
The mod is only at 1.12.2 for public, the 1.16.5 versions are only available on their patron or if someone leaks em.