• Toast Control Mod
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Toast Control Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2)— Control What Toasts Show Up


Toast Control mod is a simple yet helpful mod created by username Shadows_of_fire.

What the Mod is About?

As the name implies, the mod allows the user to control what toasts show up in vanilla Minecraft. By default, Minecraft shows all toasts, including the ones for recipes, the narrator, tutorials, and advancements. With this mod installed, you can control what toast shows up, allowing you to disable certain parts. By default, the mod disables toasts for recipes and tutorials.

Should You Install it?

Unless the toasts bother you a lot, there is no real reason for installing this mod.


This mod, by default, disables toasts for recipes and tutorials.  It can disable any other kind of toast through the configuration file.

If you do not want to block toasts, but think they are in the way, you can change their backgrounds. Toast Control allows for translucent or transparent backgrounds (vanilla toasts only).

Translucent Toasts
Transparent Toasts

📌 Dependencie

☝🏽 Useful Guide

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