Silent’s Gems: Extra Parts Mod (1.12.2, 1.11.2)— Additional Materials for Silent's Gems Tools
Extra Parts is a simple add-on mod for the famous Silent’s Gems mod that adds dozens of new parts for vanilla and modded Minecraft.
What the Mod is About?
The mod adds new parts to Silent’s Gems mod but does not add any materials required for crafting them. The mod is designed for mod integration with other popular mods that add items like bronze, copper, silver, and more.
Should You Install it?
The mod features many new things and expands the base mod by integrating it with other popular mods. We highly recommend installing this mod if you are already using the popular Silent’s Gems mod, and especially if you have other mods that add items like copper, tin, nickel, bronze, brass, steel, and more.
Vanilla Basic
Some vanilla-like parts are intended for the early game.
- Polished Wood (mundane) – Comes in oak, birch, spruce, jungle, dark oak, acacia, and generic wood varieties. They all have the same stats. Similar to vanilla wood tools, but slightly better. Polished wood is crafted with two rows of wooden slabs.
- Polished Stone (mundane) – Only one variety, generic stone. Similar to vanilla stone tools, but a bit better. It’s also slightly more durable than flint, but not as fast, and it deals less damage. Polished stone is crafted with two rows of cobblestone slabs.
Extreme Parts
Parts that take things… to the extreme. They are best used for mixed-material tools/armor in most cases, because of their lopsided stats.
- Reinforced Obsidian (super) – Ridiculously high durability of 20,480 (no, that’s not a typo), but weak in all other stats. Best for shovels, or when mixed with other parts. Adds a “Reinforced” prefix to the generated tool name. The item is added by this mod.
- Crystallized Chaos Essence (super) – Very low durability for a super-tier part, but all are stats are excellent. Difficult to craft, as it requires a nether star to make a few pieces. The item is added by Silent’s Gems.
Most common mod metals are supported. Colors are based on Fun Ores. No particular mod is required for these parts to be enabled. This mod adds all of these ingots, but they are normally unobtainable.
- Copper (mundane) – More durable than flint, but weaker in most other stats.
- Tin (mundane) – Better than copper in most stats.
- Nickel (mundane) – Stats are mostly better than iron. It’s probably the best mundane material…
- Zinc (mundane) – Similar to tin.
- Silver (regular) – Less durable than tin, but faster.
- Lead (regular) – Not good in any particular stat…
- Aluminium (regular) – It also matches “aluminum” ingots. Superior to iron in most stats, with a very high melee speed.
- Bronze (regular) – Decent durability and mining speed for a regular-tier material.
- Brass (regular) – It’s… not that great.
- Steel (regular) – Good durability, mining speed, and melee damage. Protection stat is equal to diamond.
- Invar (regular) – No outstanding stats, but nothing bad either.
- Electrum (regular) – Very fast, but that’s all.
- Platinum (super) – High mining speed, solid melee, and magic damage, but low durability for a super-tier material.
- Titanium (super) – Good durability and very good melee damage.
- Enderium (super) – Good durability, excellent mining speed, and melee damage. Higher protection than diamond.
- Prismarinium (super) – Good durability, excellent mining speed, and magic damage. A high protection stat also makes it one of the best choices (if not the best) for armor.
If the Botania mod is installed, it will be added:
- Manasteel (regular): Better than iron in some stats.
- Elementium (regular): Better than manasteel.
- Terrasteel (super): Very good durability and magic damage.
If the Calculator mod is installed, it will be added:
- Reinforced Stone (mundane)
- Enriched Gold (regular)
- Reinforced Iron (regular)
- Redstone (regular)
- Weakened Diamond (super)
- Flawless Diamond (super)
- Fire Diamond (super)
- Electric Diamond (super)
- End Forged (End Diamond) (super)
If the Cavern mod is installed, it will be added:
- Magnite (super) – An interesting material with an insane mining speed, but very low durability.
- Hexcite (super) – A fairly well-balanced material with good magic damage.
If the Ebon Arts mod is installed, it will be added:
- Arcanite (regular) – Better than iron in all stats.
- Katcheen (super) – Better than diamond, good enchantability.
If the Netherrocks mod is installed, it will be added:
- Fyrite (regular)
- Malachite (regular)
- Ashstone (regular)
- Illemenite (regular)
- Dragonstone (super)
- Argonite (super)