Silent Lib Mod (1.19.3, 1.18.2)— Library for SilentChaos512’s Mods
Silent Lib Mod is a library file that contains common codes and several shared classes used on various mods created by the mod developer SilentChaos512.
What the Mod Offers
As a library mod, Silent Lib does not have many features except for support for the mod author’s other mobs. However, the mod also features a guidebook system heavily inspired by the booklet from the mod Actually Additions. The Guide Book system can be used and utilized freely by other mods and allows buttons to quickly get to the mod’s config GUI or different pages.
Should You Install It?
If not required by the mods you are using, there is no reason to install the mod unless you wish to use the mod as a base or library for your mod.
- Cross Compatibility: Silent Lib allows mods designed in Minecraft 1.11+ to run on Minecraft 1.10.x.
- Guide Books: This mod introduced a guidebook system. Any mod is welcome to utilize it. The design is heavily inspired by the booklet from Actually Additions.