Chameleon Library Mod (1.12.2, 1.11.2)— Library for jaquadro’s Mods
Chameleon Library, or simply known as Chameleon is a shared code library for Minecraft. This library is required for all Jaquadro’s mods to work and functions as the core for all of his mods.
What the Mod Offers
The Chameleon Library mod provides a more comprehensive replacement for RenderBlocks that is used for most of Jaquadro’s mods for Minecraft version 1.8 and later. Also suited for TESR rendering, this mod is used on Storage Drawers, Garden Stuff, and more.
As with other library and core files, this mod does not add anything that can be used without installing other mods.
Should You Install It?
Storage Drawers and Garden Stuff mods are just a few of the mods that require the Chameleon Library. However, if you are not planning to use any of Jaquadro’s mods, then there is no reason to install this Library mod.