Rough Mobs Mod (1.16.5, 1.12.2)— Take Minecraft to Another Level
Since the creator has abandoned this project, there will be no further updates or fixes!
Is Vanilla Minecraft a walk in the park for you? Make the vanilla monsters significantly stronger and harder to deal with by installing the Rough Mobs Mod created by Lellson.
What the Mod is About?
The mod is designed to make hostile vanilla mobs harder to deal with by changing a few aspects of how they spawn. With the mod installed, mobs will randomly spawn with n enchanted armor and weapons, ride a mount, have a small chance of spawning bosses, and so much more. Boss mobs like the Wither have double the HP and can even knock attackers away and summon minions.
Should You Install it?
For those players who find the vanilla game less challenging, installing this mod will surely make every Minecraft night a challenging and interesting night. We highly recommend this mod for players who wish to experience more challenging Minecraft gameplay.
- Zombies spawn with random enchanted armor and weapons (You can add/remove equipment in the config file).
- Zombies have a chance to spawn on a Zombie Horse.
- Zombies have a small chance to spawn as boss zombies, which are way more difficult to fight, but they drop some nice equipment.
- Zombies apply the hunger effect to targets (The effect stacks up to level 4).
- Zombies have an increased knockback resistance and 30 max HP instead of 20 max HP.
- Baby Zombies now burn in sunlight.
- Skeletons (also Wither) spawn with random enchanted armor (You can add/remove equipment in the config file).
- Skeletons always spawn with a Bow in their main hand and a sword/axe in their offhand. If a player is near them, Skeletons exchange their weapons.
- Skeletons have a chance to spawn on a Skeleton Horse.
- Skeletons have a small chance to spawn as boss skeletons which are way more difficult to fight, but they drop some nice equipment.
- Skeletons have 30 max HP instead of 20 max HP.
- Skeletons shoot a lot faster now. (Decreased bow cooldown from 20 to 0, 1.0.6+)
- Skeletons in the Nether always become Wither Skeletons on spawn.
- Wither Skeletons spawn now everywhere in the Nether.
- Creepers become invisible while they are near a player.
- Creepers are a lot faster now.
- Creepers explode now a bit faster (1 second fuse time instead of 1.5 seconds, 1.0.6+)
- Creepers explosion radius is now a bit bigger (4 instead of 3, 1.0.6+)
- Creepers burn in sunlight (Off by default, 1.0.6+)
- Creepers explode if they are burning (Off by default, 1.0.6+). Do not combine the last two features, except if you want a ton of destruction.
- Slimes do a lot more knockback, depending on their size.
- Slimes now have 50% more HP and can jump further.
- Small Slimes can jump on players’ heads to apply nausea and slowness to them.
- Endermen drop now at least one ender pearl on death.
- Endermen teleport players away who attack them.
- Endermen have a chance to apply either blindness or nausea to targets.
- Endermen steal and drop held items of targets.
- Spiders take no more fall damage.
- Spiders apply the slowness effect to targets (The effect stacks up to level 4). If the effect reaches level 4, the next attack creates a web on the position of the target.
- Spiders have a chance to spawn with a mob riding it (Mobs can be added/removed in the config file).
- Cave Spiders have all new features from normal Spiders.
- Witches apply random effects to entities around them.
- Witches spawn 4-7 Bats on death.
- Silverfish have a chance to split themselves into two when attacked.
- Zombie Pigmen have all new features from normal Zombies.
- Zombie Pigmen now also become angry if the player goes into their hitbox
- Zombie Pigmen also have a chance to become angry when the player breaks a block around them.
- Blazes spawn now everywhere in the Nether.
- Blazes now have 30 max HP instead of 20 max HP.
- Blazes create explosions on death.
- Blazes push the player away and deal damage to him if he attacks them. Always attack them with ranged weapons!
- Blazes ignite to the player if he goes into their hitbox.
- Ghasts now have 15 max HP instead of 10 max HP.
- Ghasts are now immune to arrows and other projectiles.
- Ghasts drop primed TNT when a player is below them.
- Fireballs shot by Ghasts create a bigger explosion on impact (Explosion radius increased from 1 to 3, 1.0.6+)
- Magma Cubes are now much more common.
- Magma Cubes have all new features from normal Slimes.
- Magma Cubes regenerate HP while in lava.
- Small Magma Cubes drop lava on death. This can be very dangerous if they stick on your head.
- Withers now have 600 HP instead of 300 HP.
- Withers knock attackers away.
- Withers summon Wither Skeletons over time.
- Bats can fly on a player’s head and drain half a heart per second.
- Skeleton and Zombie Horses now burn in sunlight.
- Snowballs melt instantly when thrown in the nether.
- Vindicators now have +50% HP and increased knockback resistance.
- Evokers now have +100% HP.