Endercore Mod (1.12.2, 1.10.2)— Library for CrazyPants’s Mods
Endercore is a simple library mod intended for several other mods, most of which were authored by CrazyPants. It was recently updated to be compatible with Minecraft, so it should work perfectly if you’ve also updated all of the other relevant mods to their most recent releases. These mods make a short list, including Ender IO, EnderZoo, and several other mods with heavy Enderman themes running through them. You will need Endercore to make those mods typically work, so be sure to get it if you find any among the list which pique your interest.
Ender Zoo, one of the compatible mods, adds several fairytale creatures to Minecraft, like the Fallen Knight, an undead knight that rides around on his Fallen Steed, looking for a battle. Most of the entities added by Ender Zoo are passive until attacked, but this first one is something you need to be careful with. As for Endercore doesn’t do much for you unless you have the applicable mods installed along with it, so ignore this mod unless you want to use a mod that requires it. Ender IO is probably the best-known of the bunch.