Sildur’s Shaders Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2)
The GLSL Shader Mod is one of the first major shader mods. It’s also the baseline for a number of other shader mods, all of which use it as a kind of foundation to spring
The GLSL Shader Mod is one of the first major shader mods. It’s also the baseline for a number of other shader mods, all of which use it as a kind of foundation to spring
Continuum Shaders Mod is a cool shader pack created by the username dotModded. The shader pack is based largely on Cody Darr’s Shader pack, more commonly known as SEUS. With exclusive permission from the original
Like other shader packs, MrMeepz’ Shaders improves Minecraft’s lighting and shadow effects and makes light in the game work more like the light in reality. This leads to things like trees providing shade, dark spots
Fill your Minecraft world with Fantasy and make the blocky world visually pleasing without sacrificing your FPS in this wonderful Shader pack! Chocapic13’s Shaders Mod is a wonderful shader pack created by the username Chocapic13. This
Get inspired by the mixture of modern shaders and old nostalgic effects in this wonderful Shader pack created by the username CaptTatsu! CaptTatsu’s BSL Shader Mod is a beautiful shader pack that mixes the old