Router Reborn Mod (1.16.4, 1.10.2)— Remake of the Factorization Router
If you like moving inventories between chests and other containers but hate the confusion of working with dozens of hoppers, the Router Reborn mod is for you. This mod can transfer to or extract from any connected inventory, so you can move items around as you wish and much faster than you would be able to if you needed to build a ton of hoppers and create chains. You can set many parameters for the mod to make it work in different ways, so this is not a one-size-fits-all type of mod.
With Thorough, for example, Router Reborn will not move on to the next container until the one it focuses on has been filled or emptied. Eject will tell the mod to spit out items once they reach a particular container, which you can then tumble into other containers with hoppers. The best part about Router Reborn is that you don’t need to fill your world with ugly Router blocks to make it work. Instead, you can camouflage them as any other block you like – use the Camouflage item to right-click on the block of your choice, then left-click a Router to give it a facelift.
Upgrades available:
- Item filter: Allows you to black list or white list up to 9 items, It also gives you the option to ignore metadata (damage value)
- Machine filter: Allows you to blacklist or white list machines to extract/transfer items from/to, Visit near option available.
- Speed: In a large network, this will make it skip any full inventory or machine that doesn’t match in the filter more quickly, increasing speed in large setups.
- Bandwidth: Will transfer one stack at a time.
- Thorough: Will finish filling one machine before moving on to the next.
- Eject: Allow you to eject any items extracted from a machine to a chest or any other inventory next to the router.
- Camouflage: A device that allows you to right-click a block to store its type, then right-click a router to make the router look like the block.
- Inventory Cable: Used to connect inventory that is not touching, can be used between machines or from router to machine.
Storage Units:
- Work as normal barrels, 3 tiers 64/1024/4096 stacks.
- It uses an ore dictionary to allow storing all variants of ore or metal in 1 barrel.
- It can be locked Empty or with an item inside, Locking with an item will prevent it from forgetting its item type when the last item is removed.
- Unlock it to clear it.
- Locking is done by right-clicking the unit with an empty hand.
- It can be used to pick up a Storage unit with content or Item router, Used to set the input/output side of the liquid/energy router.